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Volume 47
Boise City, Cimarron County, Oklahoma, Thursday, April 5, 1945
Number 40
Civilians At War
The government needs and asks
its c~tizens in this 174th week of
war to:
1. Plan nowdto take a summer
j~b on a farm, and be one of the
four million workers who are need-
ed to meet this year's wartime
~ood production goals.
2. Drive your car slowly, check
tires regularly, h~bricate frequent-
ly. Your car must last until vic-
tory-and then some.
3. Save kitchen fats. Every
teaspoonful of waste fat is still
needed, and the two red points per
pound are more i.mportant to you
than ever.
Rise of Farm Real Estate
Values ContLnues
The average index value per
acre of farm real estate for the
United States as a whole ~as 126
on March 1, 1945, representing a
rise of 11 per cent during the last
Army Practice
Bombs Start Huge
Prairie Grass Fire
Cimarron county has had anoth-
er taste of vChat even .practice
b~mbs of the United .States Army
Air Forces ,are like when they are
released and exploded under favor-
~ble conditions.
The second experience came
Saturday afternoon when two army
planes /'lew low over the George
Skelley ranch west of tow~ and
dropped two ~bon~%s, only one of
which exploded. This set fire to
the grass, however, and some 2000
acres of ,grass was said to have
been destroyed, in addition to five
year, and five per cent during the miles of fence• It is understood
preceding four months, according persons who happened to rbe near-
to the Bureau of Agricultural Ec- by at the time saw the planes drop
enemies. Values rose 15 per cent the ~bon~bs from low altitudes.
Air Force Establishes Record
i i
Movement of 1944
Crop To Seaboard
Is Sought By CCC
Borrowers with warehouse loans
.may redeem their wheat until the
maturity date (April 30, 1945} of
the loan, according to H. P. Mof-
fitt, the Stillwater office af AAA.
As announced September 23, 1944,
the COC will purchase any wheat
remaining under loan on May 1,
1945, under the 1944 Parity Pur-
chase Program for wheat.
In an effort to accelerate deliv-
ery of the 1944 wheat loan collat-
eral, the CC.C has agreed to acct~t
immediate delivery of 1944 wheat
under loan located on farms and
in county warehouses, provided it
is released to the CCC. Settlement
will be made upon release to the
CCC under the terms of the 1944
Revival Is Underway
At Baptist Church
The revival meetings now in
progress at the Baptist church, l
got oCf to a good start Sunday[
with good crowds at bo~h morningI
and evemng services, according to[
the Rev. ~R. D. Dodd, pastor.
Parity Pure ~hase Program and at
during the year ended in March, The planes were not identified the same time an attempt will be The Rev. Bailey Sewell of Okla-
1944, and 21 per cent in 1919-1920, as having come from any certain
when the peak o£ the World War I base, ,but ~five officers from the made to move the wheat to sea- homa City, arrived Monday and
boom was reached. Values have Dalhart Army Air Field were here board ports prior to harvest, where will do the preaching throughout
now advanced at an average rate Wednesday purportedly to appraise a considerable amount is needed to the two weeks. "Phe choir is help-
of one per cent a month for four the damage done ,by the fire. John "Lil Audrey," veteran bomber of the famous U. S. army 7tb air meet military and lend-lease re- I ing out ~by furnishing good music.
l orce, has made 100 missions, flown 343,000 miles and has dropped quir~ments. Complete details ofj .Services will continue through
years. The rise for the 1941-45 Atkins accompanied them to the 416,900 pounds of bombs on 3ap targets across the Pacific. The bomber releasing 1944 wheat under loan/ next week, at 10:00 a. m. and 8:00
period is 85 per cent of the in- Skelley ranch.
will tour the United States combat crew training centers. Capt. Jim to COC are available at the county~ P. m. daily. Sunday school will be
]~~~_~__=~_ at 10:00 a. m. and trainin~g urdon
crease for the four-year period It will tbe remer~bered that Boise Braddock i~ shown shaking hands with the pilot, Lt. Francis Pouls of AAA of~ice~. . ]
1916-1920. During the year aver- City was .showered with 100-pound Pasadena, Calif. at 8:00 p. m. ~unday.
age values increased 15 per cent practice ~bombs the first on ~=~ ...................................
or more in nine states, and 10 per[July 5, 1943. The planes in that ; Two Public Auction Everyone is extended a cordial
invitation to attend these meetings
cent or more in 26 states. The in-
c;ease during the year equalled foray were also from the Dalhar~ # Sales Next Week
or exceeded the record increases of field. With Our l en • public tion sai are Crippled Children's
1919-1920 in five states.
Tire Purchasers Classified
A preferential Hat of occupa-
tions for use in selecting persons
to receive passenger car tires has
been prepared by OPA in coopera-
tion with the War Manpower Com-
mission. Under the new plan the
ntmlber olf eligibles is not reduced,
but they are classified into four
preference groups for the aid of
Local War Price and Rationing
Boards in issuing tire certificates.
Group 1 is limited almost entirely
to persons whese occupations are
of emel~enc~y ~,at~c,:~'~ to work-
~rs at establishments faced with
production emergeneie~ Within
this group are elig~,ble physicians,
public health nurses, police and
employees at critical war indus-
tries such as those producing ur-
gently needed aircraft and ammu-
nition that are experiencing a man-
power emergency. The exact
plants, however, will 'be determined
on the advice of local WMC offic-
ials. Group 2 includes persons em-
ployed in other essential plants,
and those whose .occupations are
highly ~mportant to the war ef-
fort. In this ,group are farmers,
farm workers and representatives
~f management, l~bor and govern-
ment who recruit for essential es-
ta~blisbyments. Group 3 includes
such occupations as buyers for es-
sential establishments, and persons
who travel to essential establish-
ments on request to perform nec-
essary technical services, such as
tho~e who advise these' establish-
ments on machinery maintenance
pr~blarns. Group 4 takes in all
other persons eligible for grade
one passenger tires.
Tire ~Ul~ply Reduced
Only 1,000,000 passenger tires
for cars and motorcycles will be
avails~ble to civilians during April,
as compared with the 1,600,009
avail~ble in March, OPA announc-
ed. This sharply reduced civilian
tire supply is due to a decline in
l~roduction caused by a serious
shortage of carbon black, an in-
gredient used to harden synthetic
Milk Production for 1945
Milk production on farms during
1945 is expected to be at least as
large as Lhe 1944 output of 119
~billion pounds, says the Bureau of
&gricultural Dconomics. Milk cows
on farms January 1, 1945, totaled
27,785..000 head, or 129,000 more
than on January 1, 1944. Returns
to dairy farmers, because of h~gh-
er production payment rates for
~t~tterfat, probably will average
higher in 1945 than in 1944. Also
dairy products' feed price ratios
~ill continue favorable to milk
l~red~cers with the 1924-1943 av-
Sale of Ungraded Farm Eggs
Now Permitted
t]eca~se of heavy demand for
eggs and relatively short supply,
~teps have been taken to permit
the ,, -
~( sale of current receipt
U~graded) eggs, f. o. b. the sell-
er's farm, place of businees or
location, OPA has announc-
OPA also said that on sales
a government agency, one and
cents a dozen may be add-
to the ceiling price for eggs
have bea~ treated for preset-
by immersion in hot water,
by a coating of mineral
City Methodists To Be
Hosts To Conference
Appearing as honor guest at the
Methodist district COl~ferenee in
Boise City next week, B~shop W.
Ar, gie Smith of Oklahoma City will
preach and partiei,pate in the busi-
ness of the confereace. This will
be the first visit of a bishop to
Bo~'~e City since the dedication of
the church 15 years ago and one
of the two sor three s~-nilar visits
in the history of the church in tlds
territ~),~,~,,~ Eial~ .~mith is a
dynamic personality, and the
church should ,be packed to hear
him next Tuesday morning at 11
o'clock, said J. P. Groom,. pastor
ef the church.
Other features of attraction in
connection with the district con-
ference include the sir~ging of Mrs.
Lon Godley, formerly of Boise City
and the a capella singing of the
Goodwell choir under the direction
of Ch~uncey B. King. The choir is
to share the program next Monday
evening with the speaker,, Carl
McFall, an ir, surance man from
Frederick, and Mrs. Godley is
scheduled to sing at various times
d~rir~g the Tuesday program of
Delegates to the congerence will
come from as far away as Alva,
Woodward and Waynoka, and are
expected to begin registering Mon-
day afternoon about 4:00. The
conference, which is open to the
pt~blic, is e~pected to conchule
Tuesday afternoon ~bout 3:00. A
woman's conference which is to be
held at the same time as the gen-
eral services, will meet Tuesday
at the First Christian church.
Services for next Sunday will in-
clude the usual Sunday school pro-
gram at 10:00 Sunday morning,
the youth services Sunday even-
ing, and the preaching services in
charge of the pastor. All who
are not otherwise dbligated are
invited to attend these services.
Rationed May 1st
.Shoe rationing will be extended
May I, 1945, to include the entire
size range of infants' leather shoes
announced Charles W. Hatter, dis-
trict OPA shoe rationing officer,
this week.
Harter said this action is being
taken in order to help build up
critically needed supplies of in-
fants' leather ~hoes in the larger
sizes already under rationing con-
trol. t r "o s
New dealers, those no p em u -
ly registered with OPA because
they did n~t sell rationed shoes,
who have i~ts' 0-4 leather ~aaoes
in stock May 1 will have to reg-
ister with the OPA district office
by filing an inventory of their
rationed stock, Hatter explained.
Other regularly registered 'deal-
ers w~ho h~ve such shoes in stock,
in storage, or in transit to them
on IKay 1, will be required to make
a record of the number of pairs ef
man :planes Sunday.
In the Service
Quota For Individuals Set
At Seven Billion Dollars
Lt. Marian L. Cavis, with the War Bonds purchased on and
i5th Air Force in Italy, and his after Monday, April 9, will be
crew', recently had an unpleasant credited to the Seventh War Bond
experience when their tent was drive, it has ~been announced by
destroyed by fire. They lost cloth- the Treasury Department.
ing and several hundred dollars in The Seventh War Bond drive will
open May 14 and run to and in-
eluding June 30, and the nation's
Relatives and friends of Sgt.I quota has been set at 14 billion
Milton Oyler, now in Holland, were~ dollars. Hal~ of 3.his amount will
happy .to learn tltat he was sa~e be in the series E bonds for indi-
and umharmed, after dodgirtg a vidual purchasers and the other
robot bam~ that exploded very hal~ will ,be divided among all
close. He has also seen action other issues.
in France and Germany. T~e $7,000,000,000 in E ~bonds ~s
the largest quota ever set for in-
Relatives of Sgt. Bob Wright of dividuals in a war loan drive. As
the 806th Engineering Aviati°nla part c~f the campaign to raise
Battalion and of Cpl. Robert Low- this amount, an intensive program
ery of the 881st Bombardier Squad- for the sale of Series E bends in
ron were. very glad to learn that ~plants and factories will begin
they met and visited on Saipan April 9. "It is clear," Secretary
Island, where they both have been Mor~anthau said, "that federal ex-
for several months. , @enditures are going to remain
-- at a high level for some time to
Pfc. Bennie S. Urioste, son of come. It is also apparent that
Mr. and Mrs. John Urioste, who funds in the hands of non-bank
has been in the South Pacific for investors will continue to increase
several months, writes he is fine. sharply under present conditions.
He is serving with the 2nd Marine It is highly desirable to channel
Division, and has been with an as much of these funds as possible
Er~gineer Combat Unit, where he in~o govermuent security invest-
has seen plenty of action, ment, and to put them to work in
the prosecution of the war."
Sgt. L. D. Hankla, serving with State and county quotas have not
Gem Patton's 3rd Army in Ger- yet been set, according to John C.
many, writes that he recently ex- Johnson, Cimarron county War
perienced a surl~rise and ~isap-
pointment in quick succession Bond chairman.
when he saw Sgt. Albert Ferguson ~ ~Ca
pass by in a truck but was unable Local r
to stop him. They were former
Wreck On Beaver
schoolmates at Plainv~ew.
scheduled for next week, ,both of Clinic At Guymon
which bffer a good assortment of
farming equi,pment and household Final arrangements have been
goods, and a total of 85 head of made for clinics to be held Men-
cattle, day, April 9, 1945, in Buffalo,
The sale of Glen Hogle on the Beaver and Guymon, where diag-
old Fred Brakhage place, 15 miles nostic examinations will be given
south of Boise City on the Dalhart to crippled children by specialists.
road, was postponed from Tuesday, Sponsors of the clinics are the
April 3, because of the snow storm, Oklahoma Society and Commis-
and is now billed ~or Monday~ sion for Crippled Children, the
April 9. State Reha~vilitation service, and
J. W. Smalts of 18 ndlee south- the Beaver and Texas county
east of Keyes, is movin~ to Guy- health departments.
~non, and will hold a sale Tuesday, The cl~inics will open in Buffalo
April 10. Among his offerings ~at 8:00 a. m., -a4~l 9in Beaver at
are a three-year-old Whiteface 11:00 a. m., and in Guymon at
Domino ~bull and 85 head of good 2:00 p. m. and will continue until
• vhi~urace cows and calves, all patients are examined. The ex-
Both sales are to start at 10:30 aminatior~ will be held in the
on their respective dates,and courtroom, third floor of the eoun-
lunch will be served on the ty courthouse in Buffalo; in the
grounds, county health offices of Guymen,
---- second floor af the Pirst National
Higher State T xes Bank building.
Early discovery of physical de-
QUashed By House fec ften makes corrective treat-
The house struck a mortal ~blow ment simpler. Indigent crippled
to the administration's tax raising children may obtain treatment
program Monday by killing the without cost to the parents under
sales tax ~ncrease' and the ~nilebge the Oklahoma law for crippled
tax outrig~ht, rejecting the two-cent children if the children are less
gasoline tax in committee of the than 21 years of ~ge. The county
whole and giving strong indication judge issues all hospital commit-
there will be no more revenue ~bill ments. No treatment will be given
passed this session, at the clinics and no charge for
any service will be made. An
H. I. Hinds, speaker, said at the orthopedic surgeon will make ex-
end of the day that it was doubtful aminationsu and recommendations
the house would approve any tax for each patient
Unless Governor Kerr turns on Notices of the clinics have been
enough ,pressure to cause the house sent to county teachers, school
to reverse itself, it means he will board mer~hers, to parents of chil-
ha~e to reduce his spending prog- dren previously examined or hos-
ram by an estimated $9,000,000. pitalized, and to those reported by
He had called for this mtount in interested individuals.
new taxes. ' ,A special invitation is extended
Unless the house changes its to young persons of 16 or over
Auhry Drennan and wife had a mind on the tax programs, the
Marine .SISgt. Lewis M. Johnson narrow escape Tuesday afternoon, legislature could be in shape for
l~ft the first of last week, after when they had a flat on the Bea- adjournment by the end af next
spending a furlough in the J. C. ver bridge near Felt, causing him week.
Johnson home here. Sgt. Johnson to lose control ~ the car, which
served overseas 28 months, and left the bridge. Dangers of Whooping
was awarded the Presidential Cita- Both M,r. and Mrs. Drennan were Cough Explained
tion, following action on Saipan suffering from shock and bruises
while serving with the Marine Se- when brought to Dr. Harry Hall's Whoo~ir~g coug~ has been re-
cond Division. office shortly after the wreck, but ported in the Panhandle this ~Liring
no sT.~ious injury was apparent at and it is very important that chin
Ensign Virgil H. Huston is that time. dren under three years of age be
spending a few days with relatives -- - - ~ protected from this serious disease,
here this week. He received his C ;eam Payments ,beca~ they cannot cough out the
wings and commission at the Naval stringy material, and it often backs
Air ,Station, Pensacola, Fla., on Being Made Now up into their lungs, causing pneu-
March 27. He will return to De-
land, Fla., for operational training The AAA office announces that monia.which immunizationThe lowest forage whoopinglimit at
as a fighter pilot. He is the broth- cream payments are now being coug~ is ~ is four months.
er of Mrs. Lawrence Nobles of made on January, February and The is no immunity from whoop-
Boise City. ' March cream production, ing cough in the early months of
Producers are asked to present a child's l£fe, as there is for meas-
SI,Sgt. Dennis C. Cochran, son cream stubs with creamery name lea. Therefore, the only way to
of Mr. and Mrs. Achilles C. Coch- and date thereon to the office be- protect a child under four months
ran of .Boise City, has been assign- fore June 1. of age is for the mother to take
ed to the AAF Training Command the immunization while she is ex-
Radio School ~t the Sioux Falls on furloughs are l~t. Phillip R. pecting the b~y, if an epidemic of
Army Air Field, Sioux Falls, S. D., Hu1~buch, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. whooping cough is raging.
for training as a radio operator- Frank R. Hul~buch, Boise City, There is no reason why any
and Sgt, Orville ~F. Fisher, 22, son child under three years of age
of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fisher, should have whooping cough in
mechanic. Upon completion of a
26-week course, he will be fully
trained to take his place as a
member of a highly skilled bomber
crew of the Army Air Forces.
~, l~LA.---These two Okla-
Blackwell. Pvt. Hutl~uch, 1~ mech- this day and age. Every child in
anic before entering the service, the Panhandle has the opportunity
is now a veteran of 11 months' to receive immunization, which is
com~bat action with the AA~ from 95 per cent effective in protection.
bases in India. As assistant en- Immunization for w h o o p i n g
wineer-gunner on the ]3-24 "Hot To cough for children under four
Go" he completed 33 combat re_is- years of age may be received each
sions and 317 hours of operational Saturday afternoon .between 1:00
flying over targets in Burma and and 4:00 p. m, at the Health Office
China. He wears the Distinguish- in the Courthouse in Roise City.
ed Flying Gross, Air Medal with Diphtheria immunization should
Clus~er and A~iatic-Paeific theater be given to every child under six
ribbon, yearn age.
and to adults who may he interest-
ed in vocational training. Accord-
ing to Voyle C. Scurlock, state
director of the rehabilitation ser-
vice, while many physical handi-
caps cannot be cured, there are
very few that cannot be vocation-
ally overcome or by-passed through
training and selective placement.
A counsellor will be present to in-
terview interested persons~
Stewarts Attend
Colorado Funeral
Funeral services were held ,Sat-
urday a~ 2:30 p. ,m., at La Junta,
Colo., for Leota Mae Pierce, who,
with five other young people, was
hit by a car Sunday, March 25.
She died Wednesday, and three
others in the group have died.
Leota is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon ~tone of La Junta
Her husband is on Saipan. and
could not be reached with news of
his w~fe's death.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart,
grandparents of the victim, re-
turned home the first of the week
from La Junta.
Mrs. Percy Smith
Receives Burns
Mrs. Percy Smith, who lives
f~ve miles east of Boise City, re-
ceived painful burns Tuesday while
cleaning clothes inside the house.
She was brought to town for
treatment, and although the ,burns
extended only over hey arms and
face, they were quite deep and
caused considerable
Distinguished Honor
Certificate Awarded
To County Chapter
' The final report of the recent
American :National Red Cross War
Fund drive ~by the Cimarron coun-
ty chapter, has been reported by
the ~a'easurer, Frances Friesen, as
of March 81, summarized as fol-
Boise City
Ne Divi~ion---~rs. E. B. McMa-
han, Mrs. ~terli~g Graham, Mrs.
Howard Cox, Miss Betty Johnson.
Se I)ivision~--Mrs. R. A. Godown,
Mrs. Ed l~hillips, Mrs. Hugh
French, Mrs. Jack Hood.
Say Division--Mrs. Ed David-
son, Walton Wilson, Mrs. Electa
Nw Division--G. R. Board, Mrs..
Arlie :Miller, :Mrs. Jno. F. Graham.
School--E. W. Alexander.
ChaiTman--Jno. C. Johnson; total
$1988.95. H~rley
Wayne Fairchild, Clifford Fair-
child; total $21.00.
Cowboy College and Kenton
Mrs. Clara S. Brookhart, Mrs.
~atie Eddleman; total $239.11.
H. N. Wilkinson; total $798.00.
Wheeless and Mexhoma
J. E. To,bert, Mrs. Charles R.
Moore; total $304.50.
T. D. Burnett; total $125.52.
Bert M. Addington, G. J. Means;
total $316.50. Kerrick
Andy A. James; total $164.4)0.
Howard Warren; total $409.00
W. E. Wingert; total $155.00
l~ussell Sparkman; total $174.00.
Roy Hanes; total $103.00.
The CimarTon county chapter
has Ibeen awarded the Distinguish-
ed Honor Certificate, which will
hang in the hail of the courthouse,
representin~ an accomplishment
achieved by the workers and con-
tributors of the organization
throughout the county, giving Cim-
arron county credit for ~being the
first coanty in Oklahoma to raise
its quota, and seventeenth in the
~ome very fine letters ef com-
mendation from ,high places are in
the files a~ a result of the out-
standing accomplishment of the
Cimarron county chapter.
Temp rol
Sixty-one Degrees
Boise City and vicinity, along
with other sections of t~e state,
en~ioyed Easter-Sunday with a
high of 71 degrees for the season.
The mi~t and anew, which start-
ed Monday evening and continued
through Tuesday, ~brought a low
temperature of 10 degrees Tues-
day ~ht.
Most of the fruit will ~be killed,
but the ,precipitation of .15 was a
boon to wheat at this time.
Ration Facts
Meat-,, Chee~ l~utter, Fata
Red stamps T5 through Xi,
good through April 28; Yi, Zi, .42,
B2, C2, D2, good through June 2.
E2, F2, G2, H2 and J2, good
through J~me 30. The new red
stamps are K2, L2, M2, N2 and
P2 and are good through July 31.
Canned and Processed Foods
'Blue stamps C2 through G2 g~od
through April 28; H2 through M2,
good through June 2. N2, P2, Q2,
R2 and $2, good through June 80.
New blae stamps are T2, U2, V2,
W2, X2 and they will be good
through July 31.
Stamp No. 85, Book IV, good for
five pounds through June 2. Fur-
lough coupon~ good for one pound
Stamps N. 1, 2, and 3 on air-
plane page in Book HI good indef-
initely. Book Ill must be preNnt-
ed when making purchase,
stamps are invalid if removal
from the book.
Reduced quotas mean all tir~
mustbe recapped when needed,
ream em of priority mth of